Jordan Shoot

Jordan Shoot has been dancing since the age of three. She joined Stage Door Dance Academy at the age of five and was part of our Performance Company up until she graduated from high school. Stage Door Dance Academy has been a second home to her and she was trained by most of our current faculty. Jordan has won many awards and scholarships throughout the years. While competing, Jordan was selected as a finalist and eventually chosen to be a part of the LA Dance Force Team, “The Force” during her senior year in 2008. Jordan was also chosen to perform in the High School Musical Premiere in Aurora. Jordan has trained in ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, and contemporary. Once Jordan graduated high school, she was hired as part of our faculty and has been teaching at our studio for over eight years. Jordan graduated with her BSN, but could never imagine her life without dance. She recently started teaching a technique class for Oak Forest Poms Varsity, JV, and Freshman where they have been excelling with their technique skills in competition. Jordan continues to share her love of dance with her students and passing on what she learned over the years!